Risk: Salmonella has been detected in a batch of the above product.
Product identification:
Myprotein® Free Range Liquid Egg Whites, 1kg
Batch code: L232203
'Best before' date: 8 February 2013
Action taken by the company:
Myprotein® has recalled the above product. The product has been sold via Myprotein® and the Nutri Centre websites and also the Nutri Centre stores. Product Recall notices are being displayed on the websites and in stores explaining the actions consumers can take if they have bought the affected product. A copy of the product recall notice issued by Myprotein® is attached to this alert.
No other Myprotein® products are known to be affected.
Advice to consumers:
If you have purchased the above product, please do not consume it and contact Myprotein® Customer Services on 0845 094 9889.