Oy Hartwall Ab pulls manufactured FENIX Weight control (FENIX Pineapple) drink off the market. The pull-back of all the currently commercially available items (best before 301112, item L2215 X9086, best before 160113, X9908 and L2262 installment of the best-before 160113, item L2262 X9916). Drink in a pack of half a liter. We have sold all over the territory of about 1,600 outlets.
The withdrawal is caused by a nutritional supplement in the EU banned kromiyhdisteellä, kromikelaatilla. The pull-back does not apply to FENIX Cheer (FENIX Cranberry)-drink, because it does not contain this ingredient.
The manufacturer has taken immediate measures to withdraw the product from sale and advises consumers who have bought the product to return the product to place of purchase. Shopping credited. For more information consumers can contact: Oy Hartwall Ab, consumer service, tel 0800 952 60
Matter is managed by the Food Safety Authority Evira Senior Marjo Misikangas, tel 029 530 4090, marjo.misikangas @ evira.fi
Image of the product: