Almost all of the Iowa cases have been confirmed through laboratory testing, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health.
The illnesses began in mid-June, reported IDPH, and at least one person has been hospitalized.

The number of cases in Iowa by county is as follows:
Linn County – 21 cases
Fayette County – 3 cases
Polk County – 3 cases
O’Brien County – 3 cases
Dallas County – 2 cases
Mills County – 2 cases
Webster County – 2 cases
Des Moines County – 2 cases
Benton County – 1 case
Black Hawk County – 1 case
Buchanan – 1 case
Johnson County – 1 case
Pottawattamie County – 1 case
Van Buren County – 1 case
Woodbury – 1 case
Cyclospora is transmitted via food or water and causes diarrheal illness in infected individuals. Past cyclospora outbreaks have most commonly been linked to fresh produce, particularly berries.
Interviews with victims of the ongoing outbreak in the Midwest indicate that a fresh vegetable is the most likely source of the parasite.
While washing fresh produce is recommended, cyclospora can be very difficult to remove from fruits and vegetables, says IDPH.
Cyclosporiasis (the disease caused by cyclospora infection) is characterized by watery diarrhea, which lasts approximately 57 days if left untreated. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle aches and low-grade fever.
If you think you may have contracted a cyclospora infection, contact your healthcare provider or your local health department.