Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has released a consultation paper about the qualifying criteria for dietary fibre nutrition content claims.
FSANZ said it agreed before the gazettal of the new Nutrition and Health Claims Standard to consult further on the criteria for dietary fibre claims.
“FSANZ committed to considering this issue further during the three-year transition period for the new Standard,” said Steve McCutcheon, FSANZ Chief Executive Officer. “We are seeking stakeholder views and evidence relating to the qualifying criteria for nutrition content claims about dietary fibre,” he said.
Standard 1.2.8 – Nutrition, Health and Related Claims was gazetted in January 2013. In the Standard, the respective qualifying criteria for nutrition content claims about dietary fibre are 2g, 4g and 7g dietary fibre per serving for ‘source’, ‘good source’ and ‘excellent source’ claims.
In mid-2012, FSANZ said several breakfast cereal and bread manufacturers expressed concern that the qualifying criteria recommended for inclusion in the new Standard were set above the criteria in the voluntary 1995 Code of Practice on Nutrient Claims in Food Labels and in Advertisements (CoPoNC) and that this would affect their ability to make nutrition content claims about dietary fibre.
“FSANZ welcomes comments from government agencies, public health professionals, industry and the community,” Mr McCutcheon said.
The closing date for submissions is 29 August 2013.
The FSANZ consultation comes not long after consumer group CHOICE criticised fibre content claims in various ‘liquid breakfast’ products, and as a new voluntary standard has been announced for ‘wholegrain’ claims on Australian food products.