SERNAPESCA has increased the level of health and control prevention in the macrozone 3 area of Chiloé, Chile, in order to prevent against further Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) outbreaks.
The Deputy Director of Aquaculture, Sernapesca, Marcela Lara, said that "to protect the health status of the macrozone 3, it is essential for early detection of the disease or agent in order to have rapid clearance and protect the area from the ISA Virus".
The National Director of Sernapesca, Ana Maria Urrutia, added that the new measures are based on control programs dictated by Sernapesca and Article 7a of the Aquaculture Health Regulations, RESA surveillance.
The prevention and control measures are:
• Harvest the entire center owned by Invermar, located in the ACS 9A, where the outbreak of ISA was reported in January 2014.
• Harvest or disposal of centers in macrozone 3.
• Restriction of movement in the outbreak centers.
• Expansion of the surveillance zones for ISA to No. 7 and 8, in addition to clusters 9 and 10.
• Strengthening health surveillance centers, through the increased frequency of necropsies and mortality classification.
SERNAPESCA will maintain the official surveillance on farms. To date, no further outbreaks have been confirmed.