Product details
Product name: Lidl Deluxe Elderflower presse
Pack size: 750ml
Batches: all batches
‘Best before’ end date: all dates
No other Lidl products are known to be affected.
Allergen: sulphites
This product contains sulphites as an ingredient, making it a possible health risk for anyone with sensitivity to sulphites and/or sulphur dioxide.
Our advice to consumers
If you have bought the above product and have a sensitivity to sulphites and/or sulphur dioxide, do not drink it. Instead, return it to a Lidl store.
Action taken by the company
Lidl has recalled the product from customers in Northern Ireland and is in the process of the contacting the relevant allergy support organisations, which will tell their members about the recall. The company has supplied point-of-sale notices to stores that sell the product.