The day started off with Horticultural Field Day; delegates visited TORO Australia, a leading supplier of irrigation products to the landscape, agricultural, turf care and domestic garden markets, followed by a look at a SARDI field site to learn about next generation pest trapping. The field trip ended with a visit to Brussels sprout grower, Eastbrooke Farms which is currently hosting a Soil Wealth & Integrated Crop Protection Field Trial site.

Back at the Adelaide Convention Centre there was a lunch hosted by Potatoes Australia, followed by the Australian Potato Industry Extension Forum where delegates heard from experts on how to use IPM to control pests, including the Tomato Potato Psyllid which was recently discovered in Australia and learned how technology can be used to increase yield and detect problems in crops.
The day was rounded off by the welcome reception and the opening of the trade fair by Hon Tung Ngo - South Australian Legislative Council, Andrew Francey - Chairman of the PMA A-NZ, Goeff Moore- Chair of Ausveg.
The opening was very busy and the organisers said they expect 23,000 people will have registered by today and they expect 2000 more to register tomorrow.