Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recently issued a resolution banning the use of products containing chlorpyrifos ethyl and fipronil. Plant protection products containing the above two active ingredients will be produced and imported within a grace period of up to one year. Sales and use are prohibited for two years from February 19, 2019. The registration procedures for all products containing the above components will be terminated on the date of promulgation of the resolution.
Chlorpyrifos and fipronil are active ingredients in many commonly used pesticides. However, its toxicity risk has been banned in many countries and crops. Vietnam is China's main exporter of chlorpyrifos and fipronil, and the above resolution will have a significant impact on China's exports.
According to the AGROPAGES survey data, in 2018, China exported 4,325 tons of chlorpyrifos raw drugs and preparations, worth US$28.9 million. Vietnam was the largest importer, accounting for 11% of the total, involving 58 Chinese enterprises. In 2018, China exported 710 tons of fluconazole raw drugs and preparations, valued at US$22.52 million. Vietnam was the third largest importer, accounting for 11%, involving 44 Chinese enterprises.