The U.S. Department of Agriculture now believes that the approximately 8.7 million pounds of meat recalled by Petaluma, CA, processor Rancho Feeding Corporation.
The world must increase its food production by 60 percent by mid-century or risk serious food shortages that could bring social unrest and civil wars, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Monday.
At least 30 people have contracted a non-contagious rare skin infection from handling raw and live seafood in the city's Chinatown areas, according to New York City health officials.
Cases of the deadly Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, a highly contagious pig disease, are increasing across the U.S. farm belt, a group of animal health researchers said.
New York City health officials have identified an outbreak of a rare skin infection in at least 30 people who handled live or raw fish or seafood purchased in markets in the Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens Chinatowns.
One of the close contacts with the sixth confirmed case of human infection of H7N9 in Hong Kong was tested positive for influenza A (H1) virus, said Hong Kong health authorities.
At least 481 people in 25 states have been sickened in the national Salmonella outbreak tied to Foster Farms brand chicken, according to the latest outbreak update from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The NSW Food Authority advises fishers to avoid eating Spanish Mackerel above 10kgs (as advised by NSW industry experts), as there is an increased risk of ciguatera poisoning.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said Monday that he will visit China this month to assure Chinese leaders and the public that New Zealand food products are safe after last year's global botulism scare.
Increasing similarity in diets worldwide is a threat to health and food security with many people forsaking traditional crops such as cassava, sorghum or millet, an international study showed on Monday.
The largest recorded foodborne illness outbreak in German history was caused by frozen strawberries imported from China, according to a study published in the February issue of Eurosurveillance.
The recent food-borne disease outbreaks related to the consumption of melons have marked the importance to understand the growth kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in fresh-cut melons.
From spices to preservatives, U.S. food manufacturers have access to thousands of globally sourced substances to enhance the flavor, texture, and appeal of their products.
A total of nine patients in Tennessee were found to have suffered from Salmonella Heidelberg infections after consuming Tyson Foods mechanically separated chicken in January
Fannie May Confections Brands, Inc. (“Fannie May”) is issuing the following update regarding its previously announced voluntary recall of red heart shaped boxes of assorted chocolates.
O’Health Lecithin Powder contains milk protein and lactose but the presence of these substances was not declared in the list of ingredients on the product's food label.