Desinewed meat is produced using a low pressure technique to remove meat from animal bones.
The UK FSA has produced guidance to help meat processors comply with the moratorium.
A moratorium on DSM for cattle, sheep, and goat bones has been already imposed by the agency beginning 28 April.
The moratorium has been imposed following advice from the European Commission. The Commission noted that DSM produced by mechanically separating residual meat from animal bones must be regarded as Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM), a product that cannot, under the provisions of European law, be produced from cattle, sheep and goat bones.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said that that there is no evidence of any risk to human health from eating meat produced from the low-pressure DSM technique.
However, it noted that if the UK were not to comply with the Commission's ruling it would risk a ban on the export of UK meat products, which would have a devastating impact on the UK food industry.