Another destination for users was Coca-Cola’s Spanish online community ‘Smile World’, where users can upload and share photos, take part in competitions and access promotions.
Smartphone scanning tipping point?
Mike Wehrs, CEO of New York-based ScanLife, said: “The partnership with Coca-Cola shows that barcode scanning with smartphones has reached global tipping point.
“ScanLife’s platform adds value by helping brands deliver customised and context-driven content to their customers right from their product, and allows them to learn from those interactions.”
Coke said aimed to strengthen its position as an innovative company interacting with consumers through packaging, as Coca-Cola digital manager Paco Rodriguez explained.
He said: “Thanks to intelligent QR codes from the Scanlife platform, we are constantly able to surprise our consumers with new content, strengthen our position in the mobile space, and understand what interests our consumers.”
Consumer conversation
By using its QR code management platform, ScanLife said that brands could participate in a two-way communication with consumers that changed in real time, with marketers able to deliver relevant content due to triggers such as scan frequency.
In a May report, ScanLife said its system processed traffic from over 5m unique users in Q1 2012, a 200% increase compared with one year ago, with CPGs the leading ‘campaign industry’.
The most popular marketing campaigns delivered, in order of popularity: video, application downloads and product details, ScanLife said .
Sixty-eight per cent of users were male, the report added, albeit with an 8% shift towards women compared with 12 months ago.
Perhaps surprisingly, 25-34 year-olds were ScanLife’s largest user group in Q1, with the top scanning countries (in order of frequency) the US, Spain, Canada, Denmark and France.
Printed onto packaging, the codes can be scanned by any QR code reader application – for instance, ScanLife (Bidi in Spain), that send users to content such as Euro 2012 soccer videos (pictured right).