A few places remain for the Agency’s keynote lecture and Chief Scientist’s annual report launch next week. The event is being held at the Royal Society, London, on the evening of Thursday 27 September 2012, with registration starting from 5.30pm.
Professor Sarah O'Brien, Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food, will speak on 'Molecular Epidemiological Approaches for Managing Foodborne Disease', exploring how molecular biology tools, such as next generation sequencing, could make the investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks quicker and more effective.
Andrew Wadge, the Agency’s Chief Scientist, will also be launching his annual report at this event. The report provides an overview of the FSA's science during the past year.
If you'd like to come along and join us in celebrating the Agency’s science, please register on the event website at the link to the right.