Greencity Wholefoods is withdrawing two of its yogurt-coated products, because of incorrect allergen labelling. The products contain milk and sulphites which are not listed on the label. This is a possible health risk to anyone with an allergy or intolerance to milk, or with a sensitivity to sulphites. The Agency has issued an Allergy Alert.
Product details
Yogurt coated Pineapple, 100g
'Best before' dates up to and including: October 2013
Yogurt coated Apricots, 100g
'Best before' dates up to and including: November 2013
Advice for consumers
Customer notices will be displayed in stores to explain why these products have been withdrawn and to tell consumers about the actions they can take if they have bought any of these products.
If you have bought any of the above products and are allergic or intolerant to milk, or if you have a sensitivity to sulphites, do not eat them.
No other Greencity Wholefoods products are known to be affected.