An earlier IARW release had left out Kloosterboer, and had thus understated both total cubic meters and the growth rate. The Top 25 as restated currently operate 94.3 million cubic meters, a 5.7% increase from 2012. The North American Top 25 operate 77.13 million cubic meters -- a 5.8% increase from 2012. Seventeen of the Global Top 25 are based in the US, Canada or Mexico.
"We are proud of the continued growth and strength of our industry," said IARW President Corey Rosenbusch. "All IARW warehouse members, including those companies listed on our top 25 lists, are committed to meeting the changing and expanding needs of the temperature-controlled industry."
The combined space of IARW total membership, including the Global Top 25 and North American Top 25 members, accounts for 121.5 million cubic meters, which is a 6.5% increase in membership space since the list was last released in May 2012. IARW has members in 65 countries around the world. The Global Top 25 list includes PRW companies with facilities in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, United States, and Vietnam. The list follows:
1. Americold Logistics and China Merchants Americold: Argentina, Australia, China, New Zealand, United States, 27,140,213 cubic meters.
2. Lineage Logistics: United States, 8,211,217 cubic meters
3. Swire Cold Storage, Finlay Cold Storage, Swire Cold Storage Vietnam, Swire Pacific Cold Storage and United States Cold Storage: Australia, Sri Lanka, United States, Vietnam, 8,210,106 cubic meters
4. Millard: United States, 7,916,577 cubic meters
5. Preferred Freezer Services: China, United States, Vietnam, 6,657,287 cubic meters
6. Nichirei Logistics Group, Eurofrigo, Frigo Logistics, HIWA Rotterdam Port Cold Stores: Japan, Netherlands, Poland, 4,315,673 cubic meters
7. Kloosterboer: Canada, France, the Netherlands, United States, 3,375,026 cubic meters
8. VersaCold: Canada, 3,322,454 cubic meters
9. Partner Logistics: Netherlands, 2,860,594 cubic meters
10. Interstate Warehousing: United States, 2,556,609 cubic meters
11. Cloverleaf Cold Storage: United States, 1,922,679 cubic meters
12. Burris Logistics: United States, 1,803,202 cubic meters
13. MUK Logistik: Germany, 1,720,500 cubic meters
14. Nordic Logistics and Warehousing: United States, 1,685,671 cubic meters
15. Gruppo Marconi Logistica Integrata: Italy, 1,559,999 cubic meters
16. Columbia Colstor: United States, 1,433,113 cubic meters
17. Congebec Logistics: Canada, 1,369,967 cubic meters
18. Frialsa Frigorificos: Mexico, 1,289,515 cubic meters
19. Bring Frigoscandia: Sweden, 1,213,300 cubic meters
20. Henningsen Cold Storage: United States, 1,206,002 cubic meters
21. Hanson Logistics: United States. 996,144 cubic meters
22. Oxford Logistics Group: Australia, 989,489 cubic meters
23. Conestoga Cold Storage: Canada, 956,032 cubic meters
24. Trenton Cold Storage: Canada, 802,384 cubic meters
25. Confederation Freezers: Canada, 748,979 cubic meters