Minnesotans who want liquor stores to open on Sundays are going to have to continue waiting.
An attempt on the Minnesota House floor to wipe out the 1895 law overwhelmingly failed on Wednesday, May 1. It went down on a 106-21 vote.
Supporters argue if people can buy beer, wine and liquor in bars on Sundays, they should be able to do the same in liquor stores. Many Minnesotans cross the border to Wisconsin, Iowa, the Dakotas and Canadian provinces on Sundays to buy liquor, they say, taking sales away from Minnesota businesses and tax revenues from the state.
Opponents countered that it would hurt mom-and-pop liquor stores who say opening for another day each week will just boost labor costs, not overall sales.
Minnesota is one of 12 states that outlaw Sunday liquor sales. It's a perennial issue at the Capitol that ultimately dies.