On January 3, 2014, the Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural resources (SEMARNAT) and the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishery and Food (SAGARPA) published in Mexico’s Federal Register an Official Mexican Norm (NOM-164-SEMARNAT/SAGARPA-2013). This NOM establishes the type of content and requirements that must be included in “Report of Results” submissions associated with releases of genetically modified organisms in relation to the potential risks to the environment and biodiversity as well as to animal, plant and aquatic health.
According to Provision 46 and 53 of the Biosafety Law on Genetically Modified Organisms it is necessary to determine in a NOM the type of information that the holder of permits for environmental release of GE crops on experimental and pilot phases must submit in a report to the Secretariat.
This NOM establishes more than 30 requirements that will need to be addressed in a Report of Results submission to GOM approving officials. According to some private industry sources this NOM could make the approval process for environmental release of GE crops such as cotton, corn, and soybeans even more cumbersome and restrictive for biotech companies. Reportedly, permit holders were hoping this NOM would clarify and address some of the industry’s on-going concerns over transparency related to reporting requirements for approval of GE crops. As just one example, the report must contain an analysis of the water quality of superficial hydrology and identify several characteristics of subterranean water bodies. When in the judgment of the permit holder, considers that any of the content provided in this NOM do not apply to the report to be submitted, the permit holder must justify it scientifically and technically as well as consider results of its assessment of risks to the environment, biodiversity, and to animal, plant and aquatic health.
According to private sources, several biotech companies are working with GOM officials to organize workshops in order to better understand the new requirements as outlined under the new NOM.
This NOM is considered final and will enter into force on March 4, 2014