How to navigate the market
Tomabel wants to continue to distinguish itself with a high quality, taste oriented product that has a remarkable presentation. In the evolving market Tomabel wants to work with the future in mind. This means sustainability in the sense of 'last forever' and high quality, also for the next generation of growers. According to Peter Hostens, the relationship with the market is of strategic importance: this includes knowledge of the market, cooperation, closeness to the market and function of the market. "Tomato consumption is not growing. Everyone is eating from the same cake, and despite innovations the cake is not getting bigger. But there are many changes going on. If you want to fill part of the cake and hold a piece of it in a responsible manner, it is important to know who you work for and what the customer wants. Otherwise you are baking a cake no one wants."
Three target groups
In response to these questions, Peter went out to investigate. "After we researched the market, we found out that Tomabel has three equal target groups. They are divided into traditional wholesale/retail trade, retail and export. Tomabel is known and has a good presence in the market, but in order to approach each sector in the right way, each needs it's own separate strategy."
'Export' sector
Peter started with the 'export' target group. He separated out each exporting customer. Tomabel started individual interviews with 15 exporters that market Tomabel. "Through opening up a dialogue with the exporters and asking them what Tomabel can and cannot do, we received important insight. It is important that the exporters are considered partners on the way to the market, so as not to pass them by. There were questions about specific packaging and alternative ways of supply. One point is that mindset of producers has to change sometimes in regards to their choice of crops and timing. By working through matters further we can properly prepare for the next seasons."
'Retail' sector
"The Belgian market has also been thoroughly mapped. Aspects such as assortment, pricing, packaging and volume were researched in the preliminary phases. This gives insight into the tactic used by each retailer. The conclusions will be shared with the retail clients. Together with the retail clients we are searching for opportunities to improve the tomato category. The interviews with retailers are currently underway, we expect a concrete individual project for each supermarket chain in which Tomabel growers have a place. By creating a 'partnership' between buyer and grower, there will be more responsiveness to the needs of the customers, and each side will benefit from this."
Renewed approach
Peter said that the wholesale/retail trade target group has a different approach. In this group visibility of the product at the local level is highly sought. "The approach that Katsima conveys with growers is innovative. Here are 15 tomato growers that are not just blindly growing tomatoes, but are growing in a targeted, customer specific way. The goal is: producing in function of the market. The approach is not general, we can see the differences per target group. Putting the 'brand' Tomabel in the market is not necessarily the priority, what is a priority is sustainable cultivation for the Tomabel growers. The producers work closely together and give each other advice in consultation with the client."
There are 50 growers, who grow various products, connected with Tomabel. "They grow their products with a common commitment to quality and distinctive packaging. They have their own marketing approach which they complete within the cooperative Veiling REO, which increases value for the operation of both."