The FEGA has just published a resolution which provides information on the procedure to follow for the processing into juice for free distribution with payment in kind of 20,000 tonnes of peaches, nectarines and Paraguayo peaches.
30 September 2015 has been set as the deadline for deliveries to the processing industry.
Producer organizations will be eligible to apply for such withdrawals through their operational programmes; however, if exceptional support measures for the sector were established further down the line, they could also benefit from them.
For the PO's to receive this aid, they will have to notify the competent autonomous region, and they may do so directly, without the need for a prior okay from a charitable organization. They should specify that the peaches, nectarines and Paraguayo peaches are intended for processing for free distribution.
Subsequently, the autonomous regions will have to supply the FEGA (Tuesday and Friday) with data regarding the notifications. The FEGA will be in charge of setting the quota allocation. Lastly, the notification's validity will have to be confirmed by the autonomous region and then the operation and first level controls will be implemented.