204 solar panels, capable of producing up to 60,000 kW of electricity a year in adequate weather conditions, are currently generating electricity for the Budapest Wholesale Market, which has also adopted other measures to ensure environmentally responsible operations.
The Budapest Wholesale Market has been focused on becoming more environment-friendly since the beginning of the current decade. In that period, it has enforced the selective collection of waste paper, wood and plastic for recycling, as well as the use of fruit and vegetables unfit for human consumption for compost.
At the moment, most of the Budapest Wholesale Market's power consumption goes to lighting, and significant improvements have been made in recent years in this area, as well. The replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED luminaires is on-going, and the output of the aforementioned small solar power plant has increased to 50 kW this year.
It is worth noting that the production of one kWh of electricity in this manner reduces the volume of carbon dioxide generated by thirty times compared to fossil fuels.