Chilean avocados are expected to hit Chinese and Hong Kong markets within the next few weeks, with imports of over 200 tons per week. The high levels of arrivals are causing prices to drop on the Guangzhou market.
By the end of September the first arrivals were reported to be below 50 tons per week, however, markets are now expecting 200 tons per week starting from this week through November. This could put pressure on markets that already have Mexican avocados.
According to the Mexican agriculture board (CNA), up to the first trimester of this year, Mexican avocado exports increased by 2,600 tons (486%) after the elimination of the 30% tariff for this import. Also, the entry of the Peruvian avocado next year, could cause prices to drop even more. Last week (44), prices were between 17.4 and 23.7 USD/6.5K.
Up to last week, and only with one third of the season, Chilean avocado exports to China/Hong Kong were 1,354 tons, a figure higher than all the avocado exported last season 2014/15 (1,111 tons) and the previous 2013/14 (1,133 tons).