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Spanish fresh watermelon exports doubled

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-03-08  Views: 14
Core Tip: Over the last ten years, Spain's fresh watermelon exports have doubled, according to data from the statistical service Estacom (Icex-Agency Tax), with code 080711 of the Tariff Integrated of the European Communities - (TARIC), and processed by Hortoinfo
Over the last ten years, Spain's fresh watermelon exports have doubled, according to data from the statistical service Estacom (Icex-Agency Tax), with code 080711 of the Tariff Integrated of the European Communities - (TARIC), and processed by Hortoinfo
The total volume of watermelons exported by Spain in 2015 reached 654.59 million kilos; the highest on record and the first time that the 600 million kilo mark is exceeded.

Of the five largest buyers of Spanish watermelons, the one paying the best prices was France, with an average of 0.472 Euro per kilo, followed by Germany, with 0.448 €/kilo, and the Netherlands, which paid 0.41 Euro per kilo.

Of the 20 largest buyers of the fruit, the country that paid the most expensive prices has been the UAE, with an average price of 1.141 Euro per kilo, although the volume purchased did not reach a million kilos. Poland comes second, with 0.837 Euro/kilo and a respectable volume, almost 15 million kilos. Switzerland ranks third with 0.635 Euro per kilo and a volume of 5.48 million kilos.

A total of 562 Spanish companies exported watermelons in 2015; of these, 149 did so from Almeria, 87 from Murcia, 78 from Valencia, 32 from Madrid, 50 from Alicante, 36 from Castellon, 15 from Ciudad Real, 79 from Barcelona, ​​15 from Seville and 16 from Malaga.

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