The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s (USDA) School Breakfast Program, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary, has made it possible to feed more than 14 million students breakfast each school day. To help support the ongoing success of the School Breakfast Program and other child nutrition programs, Agriculture Undersecretary Kevin Concannon has announced that USDA will award up to $6.8 million in competitive Team Nutrition Training Grants to help schools and childcare sites sustain the successful implementation of the healthier meals made possible by the Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010.
“As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the School Breakfast Program, we reflect on the great strides the program has made in strengthening the health and nutrition of children in America. The School Breakfast Program allows millions of students to start their day with a well-balanced breakfast, which, in turn, is linked to better performance in the classroom, better attendance, and better health,” said Concannon.
The USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative provides technical assistance, training, and nutrition education resources for schools and childcare providers participating in USDA’s child nutrition programs. Grants through this program are intended to conduct and evaluate training, nutrition education, and technical assistance activities to support the implementation of USDA nutrition standards for snacks and meals, like school breakfast.