A study has revealed that the Golden Delicious apple variety is still the favourite variety of Ukrainian growers, despite the fact that its share of total production has been steadily declining.
The study, ''Apple Business in Ukraine, Russia & Kazakhstan — 2016: Present Situation and Prospects in Growing, Storage, Handling, Processing and Marketing'' showed that Golden Delicious accounted for a 27% share of total Ukrainian apple production in 2012. However, it had gone down to 21% by 2015. Its share in areas under apple orchards in Ukraine also decreased from 26% to 22%.
Nevertheless, Golden Delicious managed to remain the leader among varieties grown by Ukrainian apple growers, and the sector analysts believe that this variety stands a good chance to regain its popularity in the near future.
''Our survey has shown that Ukrainian growers more often prefer Golden Delicious and Gala varieties when laying out new orchards. As a result, we expect production of those apples to start growing again in the nearest years,'' Fruit-Inform analysts comment.