The Appelaere, with its juice from Zeeland, supplies these products also to other European countries, such as Belgium. According to seller Philippe Joosens, Belgium had stayed a little behind in the 'juice world', but demand now is growing considerably. "We have already been supplying both caterers and retailers, including delicatessen stores, for a few years; they are really happy with our juices. We are trying to focus more on the retail, a sector where there is still room for improvement in the juice world."
Limited range
This week, the company was also present at Tavola, the food fair in Kortrijk, where it presented its three products: The Appelaere, Perelaere and Sinaasappelaere (apple, pear and orange juice). "We deliberately chose to have a limited range and become specialised. Uniqueness is lost when you have 20 juices. We do what we are best at, and that doesn't necessarily involve constantly launching new juices. Remaining faithful to our recipe ensures continuity in terms of flavour."
Catching up
The most popular juice in Belgium is currently the Sinaasappelaere (orange). "The perelaere (pear) is starting to catch up. We continue to invest in the Belgian market, also in Wallonia. In September, we'll attend the "I love horeca" trade fair in Brussels, where we'll again aim to attract new customers."