A new platform has been created to manage the fresh produce supply chain. The platform, called FEEDS, comes out of a collaboration between
Mumbai’s Tech Mahindra and German software giant SAP.
FEEDS will create a connected supply chain capable of tracking and maintaining food freshness during each step in the supply process. Tech Mahindra has cited a “lack of real time visibility and traceability” in the current produce supply chain
FEEDS is aimed at helping food manufacturers and large retailers reduce their wastage and improve the shelf life of fresh products.
The platform is built on SAP’s HANA Cloud platform and utilises IoT, Big Data and Mobility to create a minute-by-minute picture of the supply chain.
Rudolf Held, Vice President, Head of Global SAP Co-Innovation Labs, said in a statement: "FEEDS is part of the partner led co-innovation with SAP Co-Innovation Labs. This partnership demonstrates Tech Mahindra's commitment to provide sector focused digital transformation."