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2016 Golden Pompano Farming Season Began with Hope and Fear

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-06-01  Views: 19
Core Tip: Because of the constantly changing weather and the cold air in the beginning of this year, the golden pompano fry production dropped a lot, which resulted in the significant rise of fry price.
 Because of the constantly changing weather and the cold air in the beginning of this year, the golden pompano fry production dropped a lot, which resulted in the significant rise of fry price. The fry price increased 0.5 yuan in Dongli district, Leizhou, Guangdong while it skyrocketed to 1.7 yuan in Tieshangang, Guangxi. More and more farmers took a wait-and-see attitude. What’s worse was that the some fishing ponds were damaged by the typhoon last year and the farming scale decreased so that the fry stocking quantity decreased. It’s known that the present stocking quantity was only about 20, 000.
But there were also positive news. Some farmers who once cultured tilapia now shifted to golden pompano market whole price was relatively stable. Meantime, some districts’ pompano market showed a strong market trend, which also attracted more investment into deep-water cage farming. Dongli district, Leizhou added more than 30 eighty meters and one hundred meters long cages, and Nazhou more than 80 sixty meters and eighty meters cages. Although facing the rising fry price, these districts showed a different attitude towards stocking that Dongli sea waters stocked as many as 20 million fry, 50% more than that in the same period of last year. Up to now, Yangjiang area has stocked 70 million fry, increasing 10% compared with that in the same period of last year. Huguang area has already stocked 2 million fry and would continue.
No way out of environmental change. Mingled hope and fear for farmers.
Xuwen county in Zhanjiang, Guangdong suffered a big loss in the end of April because of outbreak of red tide. Maichen and Xilian town in Xuwen county lost half of their fry stocked on 19th April; Longye country obtained a 90% survival rate of the fry stock in early March; Wailuo country stocked the fry on 18th April, and its survival rate was 80%; Hean town’ survival rate was 60% to 70%. Apart from that, Shima, Liusha and Dajing area were all affected by the red tide. Meanwhile, red tide’s influence on water quality began to emerge, and some fry body rotten.
One optimistic hand is that other areas obtain a positive outlook. The stocked fry in Tieshangang, Guangxi has already grown into 70-80g; fry in Qinzhougang, Guangxi already 50g, which are ready to be farmed in large net cages; general pompano length were already up to 7-8 cm in Yangjiang, Guangdong and some even up to 10 cm, weighing about 50g; breathtaking situation happens in Dongli sea waters, Leizhou, in which the fry, stocked on 8th April, were up to 80g. And about 1.3 million fry are already 70g.

Prevention first while integrating prevention and treatment of illness in aquaculture.
Mass illness breakout has not happened to golden pompano farming yet. But the red tide had already led to big losses. In aquaculture industry, you can never be too careful. The policy of prevention first while integrating prevention and treatment for aquaculture should be put into effect.
Such as the trichodina disease, it often breaks when the water is too fertile. In high temperature season, trichodina would reproduce in a large amount. When the pompano gill is full of trichodina, the fish would die of asphyxia and lack of oxygen. Experts suggest that the water in the ponds should be clean and clear enough, and change the water as much as possible to restrain rapid parasite reproduction.
Aquaculture, a big lesson with regard to illness prevention and treatment, require daily observation and record. Communicate in time with technicians when finding unusual phenomena to minimize the losses.
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