In 2015 Spain was the country that exported the most lettuce worldwide, according to data from the Statistics Division of the United Nations (UN), COMTRADE, under code 0705 (fresh and refrigerated lettuce) of the Integrated Tariff of the European Communities - TARIC.
In 2015, worldwide exports of lettuce amounted to 2116.67 million kilos, 796.2 million kilos of which were exported by Spain, 156.04 by the United States, and 341.04 million kilos by Mexico.
Italy ranked fourth with 123.37 million kilos, followed by the Netherlands with 114.65, China with 91.17, Belgium with 60.78, France with 52.02, Germany with 45.7, and Jordan- which ranked tenth- with 43.84 million kilos. Morocco ranked twenty-second with 5.85 million kilos and Turkey ranked twenty-fifth with 890,000 kilos.
Spanish exports accounted for 37.62 per cent of the world's total export and the US accounted for 16.11 percent.
Spain is also the country that achieved the highest revenues for lettuce exports during 2015, as it obtained a total of 693.68 million Euro, while total world exports of lettuce amounted to 2149.54 million Euro.
Spain was followed by the United States, with 483.91 million Euro. Italy ranked third with 195.41 million Euro, followed by the Netherlands 146.99 Euro, Mexico with 125.65 million Euro, Belgium with 81.17, France with 66.81, Germany, 43.79, China, 42.35 and Canada with 42.17 million Euro.
Italy obtained the best price during 2015: 1,584 Euro per kilo. It was followed by the US with an average price of 1,419 Euro / kilo, the Netherlands with 1.282, Spain, 0.871, and Mexico with 0.805 Euro per kilo.
Spain sent 194.57 million kilos of lettuce to Germany, 138,08 million kilos to France, 119.53 to the UK, 74.76 to the Netherlands, and 68.23 million kilos to the Italian market.
In turn, the US exported 283.1 million kilos of lettuce to Canada, 22.22 to Taipei, and 17.04 million kilos to Mexico.
Meanwhile, Mexico exported almost all of its lettuce, 154.06 million kilos, to the United States.