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Sustainable reusable bag

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-07-22
Core Tip: Migros Zürich is selling practical veggie bags for fruits, vegetables and bread, as a trial. The bags are reusable, and help to protect the environment.
 Migros Zürich is selling practical veggie bags for fruits, vegetables and bread, as a trial. The bags are reusable, and help to protect the environment.

In Switzerland alone 240 million one-way plastic bags are used. That is a huge amount of plastic wasted and burned. And a large share of plastic worldwide ends up in the ocean, a disaster for the sea life. To reduce the plastic waste and protect the environment Migros Zürich has launched, together with the organization OceanCare a pilot project. Now they sell reusable fruit and vegetable bags, Veggie Bags in the Migros stores and Alnatura organic supermarkets. “The sale of these bags is the answer for customers who asked for environmentally friendly packaging for fruit and vegetables,” explains Melanie Chaves, head of fruit and vegetable marketing.
Easy and environmentally friendly
The bags are light and have a fine mesh and fold easily so they can be carried in your pocket. It is easy to apply and remove the barcodes on the bag. Four Veggie Bags cost about 10 USD. They are made from polyester, totally free of harmful materials and machine washable on 30 degrees. “If you don’t use one-way plastic when you buy products such as fruit, vegetables and bread then you are making a valuable contribution to the protection of the environment,” states Vera Bürgi of OceanCare. 
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