The good news comes from the analysis of Confcooperative, recently published and based on the Euromonitor data, which indicates that the world consumption of fresh vegetables is increasing - from 120kg in 2010 to 126kg in 2015. Consumption is expected to increase by 12.4% from 2015 to 2020.
The bad news is that, in Italy, the consumption of fresh vegetables is falling because sale volumes of fruit and vegetables decreased dramatically from 2010 to 2015. Only from 2014 to 2015 did they slightly increase by 0.1%.
In 2010 more than 3.8 million tons of fresh vegetables were sold in Italy, whereas last year 3.7 million tons were sold; (3.79 million tons in 2012 and 3.72 million tons in 2013).
According to Confcooperative analysis, all the vegetable categories were affected by this drop. Tomatoes - which are the most sold vegetable in Italy - have fallen by 6.4% in 5 years, while cauliflowers and broccoli have fallen 3.5%.
The trade of fresh vegetables in Italy is expected to decrease to 3.66% in 2020.
Plus, the trade of fresh vegetables is expected to fall drastically between 2017 and 2018, when sales of fresh vegetables will decrease by 20 thousand tons.
From the data of the latest Confcooperative report we learnt that most vegetables (82%) are sold unpackaged whereas only 12% are sold packaged.