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UK formally launches Trade and Agriculture Commission

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2020-07-29  Origin: fdiforum
Core Tip: The UK’s new Trade and Agriculture Commission has been formally launched this week.
The UK’s new Trade and Agriculture Commission has been formally launched this week.

Animal welfare, consumer and environmental groups met with the Department for International Trade at a formal launch to talk about how they can support the Trade and Agriculture Commission.

This is part of a major drive by International Trade Secretary Liz Truss to engage the public and industry in decisions about the UK’s trade policy.

Commission was established to bring together stakeholders across the industry, calling on their expertise to advise on trade policies, protecting British consumer interests, how the UK engages the WTO, developing trade policy that identifies and opens up new export opportunities for the UK agricultural industry.

The Commission reports directly to International Trade Secretary and it will produce an advisory report at the end of its six months’ work.

It will ensure our high standards are upheld and our farmers are able seize new opportunities to export their goods abroad. This will help the UK agriculture sector to be amongst the most competitive and innovative in the world.

“We’re stepping up our engagement with all the groups who have an interest in Britain’s agriculture trade policy. The Trade and Agriculture Commission will ensure the voices of the public and industry are heard, and that their interests are advanced and protected,” said Ms Truss.

“It will advise the government on how Britain can remain a world-leader in animal welfare and environmental standards, and how we can seize new export opportunities for our farmers.

“This is about putting British farming at the heart of our trade policy and ensuring that our agriculture industry is amongst the most competitive and innovative in the world.”

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