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Spring onions from Egypt suspected in 2021 Danish E. coli outbreak

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2023-04-28  Origin: www.foodsafetynews.com
Core Tip: Spring onions from Egypt were likely behind a deadly E. coli outbreak in Denmark in 2021, according to researchers. Between November and December 2021, the first recorded outbreak of enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) in Denmark occurred.
Spring onions from Egypt were likely behind a deadly E. coli outbreak in Denmark in 2021, according to researchers. Between November and December 2021, the first recorded outbreak of enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) in Denmark occurred. A total of 88 sick people, including 58 women, with a median age of 52 and a range from 0 to 91 years old were detected. Three patients died.

Only 34 patients were confirmed by culture, serotyping, and whole genome sequencing. Isolates from cases were grouped into two serotypes: 24 were O136:H7 and 10 were O96:H19. From 40 cases, the date of symptom onset ranged from mid-November to Dec. 24, 2021. The date of sampling was from Nov. 23 to early February 2022.

Sick people lived in four Danish regions. Symptoms included diarrhea and bloody diarrhea. Twenty-six people were hospitalized and three died within 30 days of testing positive for EIEC, according to a study published in Eurosurveillance.

Suspicion falls on imported spring onions
No related cases were reported from other European countries. However, in 2021, the UK had an outbreak of Shigella sonnei where spring onions from the same producer in Egypt were the suspected source.

As it was the first EIEC outbreak in Denmark, there was no standard questionnaire available, so a trawling questionnaire usually used for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella outbreaks were employed. Culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDT) also made separating outbreak and sporadic cases difficult.

Interviews of 42 cases and traceback investigation pointed to ready-to-eat salads with fresh cabbage as the cause. In total, 27 of 42 cases reported having salad with fresh cabbage and 20 of them used the same grocery chain. While salads had different vegetables, imported spring onions were the only common ingredient. Environmental investigations failed to recover outbreak strains.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) found that spring onions were imported pre-processed from the Netherlands and included by the Danish producer in the salads.

The agency examined samples of spring onions and ready-to-eat salads in December. Shigella and EIEC were not detected. In November 2021, the Dutch supplier analyzed a batch of this product. The producer of ready-to-eat salads also examined samples of two batches of spring onions between late December and early January. No E. coli were detected in the tests.

Spring onions originated from Egypt and were delivered by a Dutch business that rinsed and root-cut the product. No specific batches were identified as being the source of the outbreak.
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