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Memorial Day to kick off hot dog season

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2012-05-25  Origin: MeatPoultry
Core Tip: Americans are forecast to eat an estimated seven billion hot dogs between Memorial Day and Labor Day, according to the National Hot Dot and Sausage Council.
Americans already eat an estimated 20 billion hot dogs annually, but the peak of consumption occurs during the warm weather months of grilling season, the council said. Sporting events also present an opportunity for consumers to enjoy hot dogs. The council conducted a recent survey that showed Major League Baseball fans will consume more than 20.5 million hot dogs during the season, the council said.

“Throughout the years, the hot dog has been a mainstay of summer barbecues and we anticipate this summer continue that great tradition,” said Janet Riley, spokeswoman for the council. “We at the council greet Memorial Day weekend like a kid greets Christmas and we are looking forward to another successful hot dog season.”
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