In line with the Harper Government's efforts to create jobs, growth and long term prosperity for Canada, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced today the creation of an Agri-Innovators' Committee to provide expert advice on agriculture research and development. The Committee is the first national advisory body to provide advice to the Minister on agricultural innovation.
Minister Ritz made the announcement following a two-day meeting with his provincial and territorial colleagues on the next Growing Forward agricultural policy framework. The new framework will increase cost-shared investments by 50% to position the sector for longer-term productivity growth.
"The focus for Growing Forward 2 is on transformation to enhance the success of farmers and the sector," said Minister Ritz. "This new committee will provide additional industry advice and expertise to help ensure that investments by governments are generating the results and returns needed by farmers."
Governments are transforming agricultural policy in Canada to increase focus on proactive and strategic investments that move the sector forward. A critical element of this transformative agenda is enhanced coordination and collaboration, and prioritizing activities along the innovation continuum to increase productivity, reduce costs, and advance sustainability.
Comprised of representatives from across Canada and an array of agricultural sectors, the Committee will draw upon a broad range of expertise and skills to facilitate greater government-industry-academia collaboration. This new Committee would work in parallel to other committees, including the National Program Advisory Committee (NPAC) which focuses on business risk management.
The Committee membership list and biographical notes are available in the backgrounder.