Growers are urged to contact the site to confirm services prior to delivery.
As of November 19, the Kwinana Zone had received about 1.254million tonnes.
Kwinana Zone manager Brett Jeffrey said 622,500 tonne of grain was delivered last week reflecting a week of fine weather and reasonable harvesting conditions.
However, some cool damp nights have hindered early starts in most parts.
“We received slighter higher tonnage in the comparative week last year reflecting the yield difference between the past two years,” he said.
“Quality and yields are still as expected however there has been some mild frost effect showing up in some wheat samples.
“Some growers in the west of the zone are reporting higher than expected yields in the canola crop which is more than welcome.
“Meanwhile yields in the east of the zone are slightly below expectation with some growers starting to finish programs.
Due to the lower than expected tonnages some sites will close towards the end of the week and growers are encouraged to ring their local area manager for details prior to delivery.”
The GM canola segregation at the Metro Grain Centre in Forrestfield is now full and has now closed.
Growers are asked to call MGC stock co-ordinator Kathleen Della-Marta on 9416 1331 to discuss delivery options