US-based cooperatives CHS and Mid-Kansas Cooperative (MKC) have inked an agreement to form a limited liability company (LLC) to establish and operate a shuttle loading facility in Canton, Kansas, US.
The newly formed compny will become a member of Team Marketing Alliance (TMA) that will manage grain marketing services for the Canton grain shuttle facility.
The proposed shuttle loading facility will be constructed on a property, which is currently owned by MKC. Its construction will begin in March 2013 and is expected to be completed by the end of March 2014.
When completed in 2014, the facility will have an on-site storage of about 3 million bushels.
This facility will load 110-car trains intended for export facilities in the Pacific Northwest, the Gulf Coast and Mexico.
TMA is fully owned by four central Kansas cooperatives such as MKC, Cooperative Grain & Supply, Farmers Cooperative Elevator; and The Farmers Cooperative Elevator.