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Demand for green tomatoes still abounds

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2013-03-12  Views: 25
Core Tip: With a strong presence in the cuisine of the South, green tomatoes can be incorporated into a number of dishes.
green tomatoWith a strong presence in the cuisine of the South, green tomatoes can be incorporated into a number of dishes. Fried, baked, pickled, or put in a salsa or sauce, the distinct flavor of unripe Beef tomatoes keeps consumers asking for them. For that reason, Nature Fresh Farms, a supplier of hydroponically-grown greenhouse produce, has continued with their line of green tomatoes.

Though green tomatoes are Beef tomatoes which have been picked early, according to Nature Fresh's Ray Wowryk, there's more to growing green tomatoes than just picking early. Though some growers simply ship their tomatoes early, Nature Fresh picks and ships their produce in order to maintain the green color for the longest period of time possible.

“Most struggle with field product, and it arrives with a break in color,” said Wowryk. “But we selectively pick green fruit, and through our cooling process, we are able to deliver a product that will arrive green and stay green longer at retail before turning color.” He added that they are about to start picking fruit this week, so green tomatoes will be available shortly and colored tomatoes will be available in about three weeks.

“While we are in full production, there is always green fruit on the vine,” said Wowryk. And while in production, he added that Nature Fresh gets a steady stream of orders from customers who want the green tomato's distinctive taste. He added that with a new, high-graphic green box, their green tomatoes are also a good way for retailers to grow their tomato category.

“There's demand from food service and consumers who can relate to the past heritage of the Southern states,” said Wowryk. “There are also a lot of trends that encourage home cooking with creative serving ideas that also drive sales.” Nature Fresh Farms Green Tomatoes are now being shipped direct to Foodservice distributors, Terminal Markets, Wholesalers and retailers throughout Canada and the United States.

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