AgroFresh, subsidiary of the Dow Chemical Group and devoted to post-harvest products, started its tests with this molecule on apples in 1997, what they called SmartFreshSM Quality System; ever since, it has been deemed one of the most important breakthroughs within the fresh produce industry, as it enables fruit and vegetable growers and traders, not only to maintain the qualities of freshly-harvested products during storage, but also to extend their commercial shelf life.
"It goes beyond simply preventing ethylene absorption. By blocking the ethylene receptors at cell level, the fruit does not even begin producing the gas," explains Manuel Martínez Egea, Commercial Director of AgroFresh in Spain.
The crop with which SmartFreshTM is more commonly used worldwide are apples, and in Spain's case, also kakis, mostly of the Bright Red variety. "It is very hard to keep an entire season going with just one variety, but thanks to SmartFreshTM, the trading can be conducted in stages and without any production peaks," he explains.

Golden Delicious apples with and without the SmartFresh treatment
The SmartFreshTM technology is marketed in water-soluble bags which dissolve when in contact with water, releasing the product; the product consequently dissolves in the water and releases the gas molecules to the chamber's atmosphere. The chamber must meet some minimum air tightness requirements and remain closed during 24 hours after the product is applied for it to be effective. Once the treatment is complete, the fruit is fully protected. SmartFreshTM acts by blocking ethylene receptors and inhibiting their synthesis, therefore protecting the fruit from ethylene-related damage.
"Additionally, SmartFreshTM acts against ripening-related processes, such as loss of firmness of the pulp and peel, loss of acidity and fruit colouring degradation. In short, fruit treated with SmartFreshTM will tend to retain the quality and freshness it had at the time it was harvested and maintain them until it reaches final consumers," adds Manual Martínez.
"SmartFreshTM is a safe technology which allows fruit to be consumed immediately after being treated. It is also applied in concentrations of parts per billion, meaning it leaves no traceable residues. Its use is, however, not recommended for organic production, as it is a phytosanitary product," clarifies Manual Martínez.

Kakis with and without the Smartfresh treatment
SmartFreshTM is sold in around 40 countries worldwide, including the United States, and has been registered for use on apples, pears, kakis, plums, cherimoyas, kiwis, tomatoes and avocados, with each fruit having its own application period once harvested.
"At the moment we are working in the apple, pear and plum campaigns and tests are being conducted with stone fruit (nectarines, flat peaches, platerines and peaches), with very promising results."