Mushrooms are the Germans' favourite fungi. Mushrooms can be harvested all year round and are therefore widespread. Consumers can always get fresh mushrooms, says the 'Provinzialverband Rheinischer Obst- und Gemüsebauern' in a press release.
The mushrooms are available in brown and white. The brown varieties have a more intensive flavour. Both can be used in very different ways in the kitchen. Mushrooms go with a lot of hearty meals, with meat or fish, and in soups and salads. Connoisseurs recommend the mushrooms be used as fresh as possible. They can be stored for two to three days in the fridge.
Mushrooms are low in calories. They contain potassium, vitamin D and the substances niacin, riboflavin and biotin. The Provinzialverband Rheinischer Obst- und Gemüsebauern experts are also dispelling the myth that leftovers of meals containing mushrooms cannot be heated up: "As long as the mushrooms are cooled soon after preparation and are kept cool, mushrooms can be reheated without any problems."