The porcini mushroom is a much loved edible spring mushroom and this year the first porcini's from Europe were picked extremely early. Corné Verboom, responsible for the purchase of wild mushrooms said, "Last year these delicious mushrooms were first picked on 27 February and this year, 2 weeks earlier, the quality and taste are excellent."
"With our theme 'Leading in the world of mushrooms' we are in a position to inspire our existing and new clients," as per the new commercial manager Marc van der Zandt. "In addition to our known cultivated assortment we received many enthusiastic reactions to our exotics and the new retail concepts. Also the reactions to our new dried assortment were very promising."
"We want everybody to enjoy our mushrooms from all over the world." Marc explains. "We are the partner for fruit and vegetable companies and retailers in cultivated mushrooms, dried mushrooms, cut and mixed mushrooms, Asian mushrooms, filled and marinated mushrooms and of course our wild mushrooms."