These products are, says the company, quite different from traditional British meat products in terms of their manufacture and preservation. The microbial safety and stability, as well as the sensory and nutritional quality of some rely on a combination of preservation methods known as a hurdle approach. Products such as dry cured hams involve careful control of the drying process and other variables to ensure safety and quality.
To bring the industry up to date with the requirements for these products, Campden BRI is holding a seminar on 24 June.
“This seminar will provide an opportunity to gain an understanding of the key processes and principles affecting the quality, safety and stability of many continental meats as well as an appreciation of key ingredients and casings,” said Liz Mulvey, event director. “These include an analysis of the continental meats marketplace in Great Britain; the production, quality and safety of dry cured meats; safety, quality and regional variations in fermented meats; the role of starter cultures and cure ingredients; and understanding casings - using the correct casing for the product.”