Production of beets in California has been affected by water shortages and diminishing acreage. But while supplies have been on the light side, prices have been kept from rising by the presence of Mexican imports.
“I know Mexico has been quoting prices lower than normal, and that affects us,” said Hugo Ramos of King Produce. “We have to go down to those prices, so prices are low.” On July 15, prices for a carton of bunched 12s were between $9.00 and $13.50 out of California and at Mexico crossings through California and Arizona. But Ramos noted that he's seen prices for a carton go as low as $6.00 a carton due to downward pressure from imports.
“Demand is there,” said Ramos. “But we have to match lower prices. Mexico goes year-round, and supplies from the desert will appear later in the year, so I think the market is going to stay where it is for a while.”