The President of the Mango Product System, Xavier Chavez Contreras, stated that there would be more phytosanitary restrictions to export mango this season, as it is the only way to avoid exporting mangoes that don't meet the quality and ripening standards required by the export markets.
In an interview, Chavez Contreras stated that producers, packers, local boards, and officials from the public sector had met last Friday to discuss the quality and health of the fruit for export markets; a meeting where the agreed, among other things, to increase the phytosanitary restrictions for the export of mangoes.
Another issue discussed at the meeting was the work being carried out in the municipalities of New Urecho, Mugica, and Gabriel Zamora, to reduce the presence of fly. The goal of to reduce the incidence of the pest to its minimum levels minimum so that there are no phytosanitary risks that can jeopardize this year's export season.
Chavez Contreras said that, in order not to jeopardize the price of a kilogram of mango (which is currently between 17 and 18 pesos for the bola variety and 14 pesos for the ataulfo variety), producers are obliged to notify the inspector appointed by the State Plant Health Committee that they are cutting the fruits two days before doing so, so that he can inspect and corroborate that the mango being taken to the packaging sites comes from the inspected gardens. This in order to avoid receiving fruits from the coast, which have no quality and might not have the required maturity.