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Choosing right carbohydrate key for long-term metabolic health

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-06-03  Views: 33
Core Tip: Choosing the right type of carbohydrate is instrumental to achieving long-term metabolic health, according to Goh Peen Ern, nutrition communication manager, Beneo-Institute. She was addressing participants at the 31st Nutrition Society of Malaysia Scient
 Choosing the right type of carbohydrate is instrumental to achieving long-term metabolic health, according to Goh Peen Ern, nutrition communication manager, Beneo-Institute. She was addressing participants at the 31st Nutrition Society of Malaysia Scientific Conference 2016.

It is a well-known fact that a high glycaemic diet increases the risk of type II diabetes. In fact, leading scientists agree that there is convincing evidence demonstrating a carbohydrate-rich diet that keeps blood glucose levels low, reduces the risk of type II diabetes and helps people with diabetes control their blood glucose levels in the long run.

Goh referred to a recent scientific study by Professor Dr Andreas Pfeiffer and his team at the German Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany. The results clearly show that not all sugars are alike in their metabolic profile. They provide new scientific evidence that the favourable metabolic profile of Beneo’s Palatinose (isomaltulose) results from the opposite effect it has, compared to sucrose on the incretin hormones GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide) and GLP-1 (Glucagon-like Peptide-1). The benefits of Palatinose, observed in direct comparison with sucrose in this study, suggest that the hormone (incretin) response plays a key role for the sugar effects in metabolism and health.

The reason for the significantly different incretin response of Palatinose compared to sucrose is explained by its unique molecular bond and slow release properties. It is a fully digestible disaccharide-type carbohydrate composed of glucose and fructose. However, the bond between
the two molecules is much stronger than in sucrose. Consequently, Palatinose is fully yet slowly digested and absorbed resulting also in a lower blood glucose rise and less insulin release in the body when consumed.

“The scientific results of Professor Pfeiffer’s latest clinical study demonstrate once again that the physiology and not the chemistry of carbohydrate matters. More consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of low glycaemic products and their long-term health benefits. The combination of consumer interest and evidence-based science is a winning formula, and the food industry should maximise the health claim options available in food legislation. In this area, Beneo is supporting with sound science, formulation advice, as well as market and consumer insights,” said Goh.

The prevalence of diabetes in Asia is projected to grow drastically to 70 per cent, according to the International Diabetes Federation. Awareness of the importance of sound blood glucose management to good long term health is growing. Consumers are also more conscious of the impact that sugars and carbohydrates can have on their metabolic health. Food manufacturers can cater to these concerns and needs by formulating food products with the right/high quality ingredients that can help consumers better achieve blood glucose management.
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