Soin/Sigowet and Belgut Sub Counties were the traditional sweet potato growing areas and with the advent of the maize disease the crop acreage began to increase gradually. With good management the crop can yield up to 20 tons of tubers per acre. In 2015 the area planted with the crop was 532.5 Acres.
Production of sweet potato was boosted in 2014 when SACOMA (a UK based Kenyan owned company) started to import sweet potato tubers from Kaplelartet Ward in Soin/Sigowet Sub County. Initially the sweet potato varieties planted were very few with the local white-fleshed variety (Chebolol) being common. SACOMA linked up with CIP (International Potato Centre) which introduced farmers to the orange-fleshed varieties, which are fortified with vitamin A.
The Ringa factory (Homabay County) has also entered the market and is purchasing the Vita and Kabode varieties of all sizes for making sweet potato puree which it sells to Tuskys Supermarkets. The factory relies heavily on supply from Kericho in the dry season because kericho receives extended rainfall allowing for year-long production.