Following the rise in temperatures throughout the Southern Hemisphere, more and more Northern Hemisphere fruits are appearing in the import markets. Right after the first batch of Chilean cherries was sold in Guangzhou last week, Australian mangoes and Israeli grapefruit have appeared in public and lured consumers into purchasing.
Due to low temperatures, the output of Australian mangoes was a little smaller than last year. The time-to-market was also a little later. This week the first batch of Australian mangoes appeared on the market in Guangzhou. In order to meet the market demand better, and in light of the usual practice from former years, importers will do a second, more precise, selection and packaging after the mangoes have reached the market. This prepares them for the high-end consumer markets. Although this batch of mangoes reached up to the first class fixed price of 600 RMB (81 EUR), consumers will still be in a rush to buy them. This shows that Chinese consumers are very fond of Australian mangoes.
Coinciding with the Australian mangoes are the Ecuadorian mangoes which arrived this week and are becoming gradually better known to consumers.
Citrus Fruits
Many citrus fruits were affected by cold winds and droughts, so the time to market for the domestic citrus fruits was a little delayed this year. This creates an opportunity for imports from abroad. The prices for the Australian Sunkist oranges have already soared up to 400 RMB a box (54 EUR), but people are still quick to buy them.
After the South-African season for grapefruits ended, the market has been undersupplied. The first batches of Israeli grapefruits, that will enter the market soon, fill the market gap very well. Moreover, their initial selling prices can be as high as 250RMB a box (34 EUR).