The 13th International Symposium for the International Society for Tropical Root Crops- Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB) has kicked off in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
The four day meeting (5-8 March) brings together over 300 delegates from government agriculture ministries in Africa, development partners, international and national agriculture research organisations, academia, private sector as well as farmers with an interest in root and tuber crops in Africa.
Participants will present and discuss latest research, innovations, technologies and trends on root crops. “We hope we will get practical hands-on solutions, that can help address farmers’ constraints in production of root crops, with the modest investment dedicated to research and development of these crops” said Tanzania’s Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (MALF).
He encouraged researchers to work together with the farmers, policy makers and all stakeholders, for co-ownership of research findings to increase chances of technology adoption for the intended improved productivity and utilization of root crops.