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Weekly Review of Food Standards and Regulations(11.12-11.16)

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2018-11-19  Views: 29
Core Tip: The State Administration of Market Regulations issued a notice from the SAMR on accelerating the reform of food business licenses, accelerated the main objectives of the reform of food business licenses, piloted the “information commitment system”.
Notice of the General Administration of Market Regulations on Accelerating the Reform of Food Business License (Guo Shi Jian Shi Jing [2018] No. 213)

In order to implement the nationwide deepening of the "distribution service" reform and transform the spirit of the government's video teleconference, according to the "Notice of the State Council on the opening of the "License and Permit Separation" reform in the country, to create a better business environment, November 9th, 2018, The State Administration of Market Regulations issued a notice from the SAMR on accelerating the reform of food business licenses, accelerated the main objectives of the reform of food business licenses, piloted the “information commitment system”, optimized licensing issues, shortened license time limits, and fully implemented licenses. The four main tasks of informatization are notified.

The National Health Committee is Seeking for Public Opinions on the Health Industry Standards for the Supplementary Nutritional Guidelines for Infant and Young Children's Food Supplements

On November 13th, 2018, the National Health Commission published the oppinion collection notice on the health industry standards for the Supplementary Nutritional Guidelines for Infant and Young Children. The deadline for comments is December 13th, 2018. This standard specifies the basic principles for the addition of complementary foods to infants and young children born in healthy full-term months (180 days to 24 months after birth), guidance on the addition of complementary foods for age groups, and technical requirements for complementary food preparation.

Please note: Original article of Global Foodmate of Information Service and Business Department, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.
keywords: food foods
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