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The GMO-free certification for the export of fruit to India has been postponed

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2020-12-08  Origin: freshplaza
Core Tip: The GMO-free certification that the Indian authorities require for the import of fruit and vegetables has been postponed by two months, from 1 January to 1 March 2021.
The GMO-free certification that the Indian authorities require for the import of fruit and vegetables has been postponed by two months, from 1 January to 1 March 2021. As for Italy, it concerns mostly apples. Over the last three years, it has gone from a minimum of 25 thousand to a maximum of 40 thousand tons.

Already last summer, the Indian Food Safety and Standards authority established that from 1 January, 2021, a GMO-free certification will be mandatory for the import of fruit and vegetables including apples.

This document immediately alerted operators and the Embassy was also informed. The main problem is that unclear who can release this document, also because the apples originate from GMO-free plants.

The two-month extension period is fundamental to find a solution among all the competent authorities.

The approach of the Indian authorities is perceived by several Italian operators as unclear. It appears that the European Union also lacks clarity on the issue, especially regarding who has the authority to promptly respond to such requests arriving from India at this particular time, and if that can be requested by any other country in the future.

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