Diets high in sugar and cholesterol can contribute to hearing loss as people age, according the Journal of Nutrition. Studies show that nutrient deficiencies, including B12 and folic acid, can impair hearing loss significantly.
Experts report that boosting these nutrients can protect hearing by as much as 20 percent. Studies also show that vitamin deficiencies may harm the nervous and vascular system, and may damage ear components, including the cochlear nerve coating.
Nutrition experts say the solution is eating an antioxidant-rich diet, including leafy greens, lentils, avocados, and bananas. Eating foods rich in vitamins C, E, and D support hearing health. Red bell peppers, broccoli, oranges, and grapefruit contribute vitamins for good overall and hearing health.
The mineral potassium helps regulate fluid in the inner ear, and prevents it from dropping as we age, to avoid hearing loss. Potassium-rich foods include potatoes, spinach, lima beans, tomatoes, melons, oranges, and raisins.
According to¸ the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) also claims that a deficiency in magnesium “may contribute to a metabolic cellular cascade of events.” The AAA studied links between permanent and temporary changes in auditory function to a nutritional deficiency of magnesium. Foods rich in magnesium include artichokes, bananas, potatoes, spinach, and broccoli.