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Thermolabel moves forward in development of label that registers temperature of fruit and veg

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2019-02-20  Origin: fepex.es
Core Tip: The operating group Thermolabel is moving forward in the development of a label that registers the temperature of fruits and vegetables.
The operating group Thermolabel is moving forward in the development of a label that registers the temperature of fruits and vegetables. It would be a highly reliable label with the capacity to constantly register and authenticate the temperatures to which perishable products (mainly fruits and vegetables) have been subjected. The objective is to protect the cold chain during the entire process from field to the point of sale.

At the meeting held on Friday at the headquarters of FEPEX, in Madrid, the members of the operating group set the basic lines to follow for the project's execution. Each box of fruits and vegetables will include a thermographic document that will guarantee the product's quality and shelf life up until it reaches the final consumer, making it also possible to identify the pallets which have been subject to cold chain breaches.

The project will also entail savings, since the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector loses 5% of its total annual exports in unjustified claims, which in most cases are caused by breaches in the cold chain.

The THERMOLABEL operating group, formed last year, is made up of experts from the following entities: Fepex, which acts as representative and manager; Thermolabel Technology SL, which is in charge of coordinating the project at a technical level, counting with experts in areas such as quality, logistics and R+D+i project management; Medalchemy SL, in charge of the suitability tests of the material used for the ink, and with more than fifteen years of experience in the study of the behavior of new chemical components, and BONNYSA AGROALIMENTARIA SA, one of Spain's main tomato producers.

Thermolabel is recognized as collaborating member of the Interuniversity Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM) of the University of Valencia.

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